Meriç Canatan

Dove Co-Refinery 29 Canada

As part of the Refinery29 & Dove global partnership we worked with 15 other publishers across four countries (the UK, Canada, Mexico and Brazil), over 12 months.

During that time we amassed over 63M impressions and more than 6.3M engagements (and counting!), creating over 247 original story assets through one central hub — an agile London-based team dedicated to every phase of the partnership - from briefing, creation, execution, measurement and reporting. I was the Creative Lead across the entire project, overseeing every piece of content published from conception to execution.

Refinery29 CA:
Beauty, Confidence And Growing Up In A Biracial Or Multiracial Family : Read the feature here.

Round Two: What It’s Like Going Through A Second Puberty: Read the feature here.

Millennial Moms Share Advice To Their Younger Selves: Read the feature here.